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Goals and Objectives

The goal of the AFJROTC program is to instill in high school cadets the values of: citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment. We do this by educating and training high school cadets in citizenship; promoting community service; instilling responsibility, character, and self-discipline; and by providing instruction in the fundamentals of air and space science.


The AFJROTC program is offered to Academy District 20 high school students (9-12 grade). The district provides bus transportation to and from Air Academy High School for all cadets who attend high school in the school district. Cadets traveling to Air Academy High School to attend AFJROTC are scheduled for either the morning block 1 (7:45 - 9:15 a.m.) or the afternoon block 4 (1:15 - 2:45 p.m.) to facilitate transportation.


Contact your grade level counselor if you are interested in joining AFJROTC.


JROTC is not a military recruiting program, but instead a program to develop citizenship, character, and leadership. About half of the students who join JROTC pursue military careers after high school. The program started in District 20 in 1996. Each year, approximately 300 students participate. Since 2010, 49 students have earned ROTC scholarships, and there have been 35 service academy appointments. The unit has also earned Distinguished Unit or Distinguished Unit with Merit every year in the last 13 years.

Emblem - The D20 Centurions

In 2002, seniors in AFJROTC at ASD20 designed their own emblem, symbolizing the Air Force Core Values: Integrity, Service, and Excellence. They chose the name Centurions for competitions, with the Chapel representing their ties to the Air Force Academy and the flag signifying their mission to Develop Citizens of Character. They highlighted their affiliation with AFJROTC through the fighter aircraft emblem. CO-20021 marked them as Colorado's first AFJROTC unit, established in 2002.


Academy District 20 offers a four-year AFJROTC curriculum. All students will be granted academic credit toward graduation requirements for successful completion of AFJROTC courses.

Aerospace Science (AS)

AS acquaints students with the elements of aerospace and the aerospace environment. It introduces them to the principles of space flight, principles of aircraft flight and navigation, the history of aviation, development of air power, contemporary aviation, human requirements of flight, the space environment, space programs, space technology, rocketry, propulsion, the aerospace industry, the science of flight, astronomy, geography, policy and organization, survival and the study of some cultures across the world.

Leadership Education (LE)

LE is the portion of the AFJROTC curriculum that develops leadership skills and acquaints students with the practical application of life skills. The LE curriculum emphasizes discipline, responsibility, leadership, followership, citizenship, customs and courtesies, cadet corps activities, study habits, time management, communication skills, and drill and ceremonies.

AFJROTC Special Programs and Activities

There are several voluntary cadet extracurricular activities which supplement aerospace and leadership experiences. Additionally, these activities bring cadets together with common interests, build esprit de corps, are ways to create lasting friendships, and guarantee a good time to those who get involved. Involvement teaches responsibility, teamwork, and cooperation. It also is a positive, visible way to publicize to the community the values at work that we teach to our cadets.

Curriculum In Action (CIA)    

CIA is a term used to describe school-sponsored activities (field trips) that directly support or serve as an extension of the AFJROTC curriculum. They are sponsored and approved using the same procedures as any other class/organization in the high school by the appropriate school authority. Maximum participation is highly encouraged.

Visits to Air Force Installations    

Groups of AFJROTC cadets, under the supervision and control of an AFJROTC instructor, are authorized to take part in visits to Air Force installations to enhance the AFJROTC program. Visits serve as motivational activities for cadets and provide practical experiences complementing theoretical knowledge supplied in the AFJROTC curriculum. 

Awareness Presentation Team (APT)   

APT is an academic endeavor designed to provide positive role models for elementary and middle school students. It also provides a practical application of the skills learned in the leadership education portion of the AFJROTC curriculum. 

Kitty Hawk Air Society (KHAS)

KHAS is the academic honor society of AFJROTC. Its purpose is to promote high academic standards and achievement. KHAS also develops leadership abilities, recognizes academic excellence, and furthers members' knowledge of the Air Force role in aerospace. In order to be admitted, an instructor will review your eligibility.  The minimum is a 3.5 cumulative GPA and an "A" in JROTC.  Membership is limited to approximately the top 20% of cadets in the unit academically. 


StellarXplorers is a program to inspire and attract high school students to pursue science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education and careers. The program provides a hands-on, space design challenges involving all aspects of space systems development and operation with a spacecraft and payload focus. 

Cadet Leadership Course (CLC)

This program offers cadets an opportunity to refine their leadership and communications skills in a tightly controlled and monitored training environment. Cadets will live, eat meals, and attend class on-campus at the Air Force Academy Prep School campus. Training slots are limited as this is a program combined with all AFJROTC units in Colorado. Selection is done early in the second semester based on AFJROTC grades, as well as a fitness and drill evaluation. 

Cadet Drill Team      

This team performs in local and area-wide drill competitions and demonstrations. Participation requires an extra commitment from cadets since they will spend many hours learning the manual of arms, perfecting teamwork, practicing standardized movements, developing "free-style" movements, and taking care of their uniforms. 

Cadet Color Guard      

This elite cadet group presents and posts the United States, the Colorado State, and Air Force Flags. Typically, these teams perform at school functions, unit functions, and community events. This highly visible activity provides an opportunity for cadets to learn to respect and properly present national, state, and Air Force flags.

Orienteering Team 

Cadets interested in orienteering will learn how to navigate on foot through varying terrain using a map and compass.  Competitions are held on Saturdays in the spring throughout the Pikes Peak Region.

Raider Team

Top athletes in the unit have the opportunity to compete with JROTC cadets from all branches of service throughout Colorado in a competition that tests strength, endurance, and teamwork.

Cyber Patriot

Select cadets with a strong interest and/or skill in computer science have the opportunity to compete in a nationwide competition designed to test and build cyber defense skills.

Fitness Test

Cadets in AFJROTC 4 will take a fitness test once per semester.  Cadets in AFJROTC 1, 2, and 3 are given the opportunity and encouraged to take this test once per semester.  Cadets may track their fitness development from semester to semester based on national standards and have the opportunity to earn the AFJROTC Fitness Award if they score in the 75th percentile or higher. 

Model Rocketry

Interested cadets have an opportunity to build and launch a model rocket.  Cadets who successfully launch a rocket and recover it in a condition that it may be successfully relaunched may earn the AFJROTC Rocketry Badge for wear on their uniforms.

Community Service    

In an effort to produce well-informed and helpful citizens, AFJROTC encourages its cadets to get involved in their local communities. This aspect of AFJROTC is one of the most rewarding and fun. The number, type, and size of cadet service projects are limited only by their imagination. 

Military Ball  

One of the grandest events of the year is the Military Ball. All cadets look forward to this event. Dress is semi-formal; it is a formal sit-down dinner, usually held at the Air Force Academy Officers' Club. 

Awards Night

The end of year awards night is held at the end of the spring semester.  Cadets are presented with the school, AFJROTC and National Awards. Cadets enjoy awards night because families and friends are invited and cadets are recognized for their achievements for the year.

Parades and Festivities

Veterans Day Parade, Holiday Party, Field Day/BBQ, Fundraising, and more!