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Each year, Liberty teachers tie on their aprons every year and fire up the cooktop for the annual Chili Cook-Off. This year, Mac n' Cheese was added to the menu for taste testers to sample and judge. The chefs were also encouraged to decorate their booths and creatively present their dishes for the "Best Aesthetics" award.

The event is part of Liberty's fundraising schedule for Care and Share's Harvest of Love food drive that runs through November each year. Attendees can sample chili and mac or eat a whole bowl of their favorite and then submit their votes for the tastiest recipe and best presentation. Liberty PE teacher Amanda Dwinell won first place in the chili competition. Yearbook and media teacher Eilidh Gill walked away with the top prize for her mac n' cheese. Science teacher Walt Aufderheide captured the "Best Aesthetics" trophy, with his booth guarded by a cat skeleton and stuffed rat straight from his anatomy classroom!

All proceeds from the event benefited Harvest of Love. Find out about more events and ways to donate here.

Thank you to all of the talented Liberty chefs and taste testers!