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Where do I begin?

  1. Once registration opens, review the links below for information on how to register for classes.

  2. Refer to the Course Guide for more information on specific classes, graduation requirements, prerequisites and course fees.

  3. Discuss your plan with your parents/guardians and current teachers.

  4. Once complete, please return your form to Student Services.

School Choice, Transfer & Incoming Students

School Choice/Transfer students: Please see the Academy District 20 website for details on how to apply/register. Once we receive your enrollment, you will be sent an email with further instructions.

Incoming 9th Grade students: If you are currently attending Timberview or Chinook Trail Middle Schools, an LHS counselor will be coming to your school to help with registration.

Course Advising

Each of our grade-level counselors has provided resources below to help you through the registration process.

Class of 2029

Class of 2028

Class of 2027

Class of 2026

Additional Resources

Application-Based Courses

Several of the courses offered at Liberty and at the district level require an application. If you are interested in taking any of these courses, please use the links below to apply:

Course Selection Guidelines

  • Discuss as a Family: Please discuss class choices as a family and make sure you and your student agree.

  • Discuss with Teachers: We encourage students to discuss course selection with their current teachers if they have questions regarding placement.

  • Select Carefully: Choose ALL classes with care, keeping in mind balance.

    • Every class = 30 min/1 hour of homework

    • Every H/AP course = 1.5/2 hours of homework per night!

  • Schedule Changes: Keep in mind that schedule changes will only be made for the following reasons: academic misplacement; challenge by choice; add a course needed for graduation; drop a course when pre-reqs have not been met; add/change partial absences; empty blocks in schedules.

Counselors will be available in Student Services before school and in the Library during lunch Feb. 5 – 9, to assist students who need extra help.