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Dance classes at Liberty are a blend of jazz, ballet, and modern technique classes, with occasional tap, hip-hop, ballroom, and contemporary experiences. These classes additionally explore: dance history with a look at concert and social dances; dance critiques of choreographic masterworks; composition and improvisation; and safety and wellness including injury prevention, anatomy and kinesiology.

  • Explorations in Dance 1 is an introduction to all things dance and is perfect for students who have never taken a formal dance class before, or have been out of the studio for many years. The class is one semester long.

  • Explorations in Dance 2 is open to all students who have completed Dance 1 without an audition, or new students who have completed an audition and are placed into Dance 2.

  • Explorations in Dance 3-4 are auditioned levels only, but open to students in grades 9- 12.

  • Explorations in Dance 5 is also an audition placement class, but is open to students in grades 10-12. As part of their curriculum Dance 5 and Creative Dance students may choreograph pieces for their peers for the concerts.

  • Creative Dance, is an advanced choreography lab and pedagogy class. This class is open to students currently enrolled in Dance 4 and 5 with instructor permission, and also in grades 10-12.

Dance classes at Liberty may be taken for PE or Arts credit, though most dancers choose to receive PE credit. Dance does NOT replace Intro to PE or Lifelong Recreation Sports, but can be used for the additional two required PE credits. After your required credits are met dance classes can count towards your Unrestricted Electives.

All Dance classes levels 2-5 and Creative Dance may be repeated for credit.


The audition consists of technique demonstration and is usually offered in person at two different times in March. If you are unable to attend a live audition, please contact Mrs. Williams to make other arrangements. There is an online registration form to sign up for auditions. Placement results will come out at the end of the year.

All performing arts students at Liberty who are taking auditions for upper level classes will register for the lowest level class (Explorations in Dance 2) and the instructor will work with the Counseling Department to appropriately place students after the audition process is completed. This ensures you have a spot reserved in a Performing Arts class, but simplifies the process of class placement.


All classes perform in a concert at the end of each semester, which is fully staged with costumes and lights. The concert is free to attend for families, friends, and the Liberty community.

Elite Dance Ensemble is Liberty’s after school auditioned performance group. Elite is for intermediate and advanced dancers, and will perform off-campus, at assemblies, and as featured performers for other events. Elite frequently works with guest choreographers. They do not compete. Elite typically rehearses Tuesday/Thursday from 3:30-4:30 and approximately every other Saturday from 8-9:30am.

Each semester NHSDA hosts a Student Choreography Competition, which is judged by Colorado Springs dance professionals. This is an opportunity for students to work on the craft of choreography, and get meaningful feedback to grow as artists.


During lunches two clubs meet to practice and rehearse performance pieces: Lancerz Dance Squad (Hip-Hop) and Lancer Tappers. Both groups are primarily student run, and include dancers from within and outside of the department as members.

Dance Honor Society / Earning a Letter in Dance

The National Honor Society for Dance Arts (NHSDA) is a program of the National Dance Education Organization, created to recognize outstanding artistic merit, leadership, and academic achievement in students studying dance. Through NHSDA Liberty dancers have the opportunity to earn points and be inducted in the Honor Society. Students in the society may additionally receive a Liberty Activity Letter in dance, have leadership opportunities, and earn cords to wear at graduation.

NHSDA and dance students are regularly involved in school events such as Activity Nights, Evenings of Ballroom, Youth Dance Clinics, and Trunk or Treat.

Additional Involvement

Dancers are encouraged to be involved in the other performing arts departments. The color guard performs in the fall with marching band, and in the winter during a competitive indoor season. The Performing Arts Department produces a performance in the winter (October- January) called Scarborough Fair, a no cut show (if you audition you get cast) hosting a variety of Broadway and Movie themed song and dance numbers. In the spring we do a musical. Advanced dancers can be asked to choreograph for Scarborough Fair or Dance Captain for the musical. Many dancers participate in these activities, as well as taking band, choir and theatre classes.

If you would like to set up an audition, or have additional questions please contact Mrs. Williams.